Rail Training
Specialists in Overhead Line Electrification (OLE) training for the rail industry.
Skill Step Training was founded in order to support our learners in gaining the skills, knowledge, behaviours and qualifications needed for a successful career and life. Our highly experienced and skilled Rail Trainers and Assessors bring with them a wealth of operational knowledge to support learners in achieving their learning and career goals.
We are NSAR improved to deliver the following capabilities:
- AC Lines
- Access Overhead Lines Construction Sites
- Authorised Person OLE AC Isolation
- Authorised Person OLE Auto Transformer Isolation
- Conductor Rail Permit - Testing using a Live Line Tester
- Construct Renew Enhance and Modify OLE in Accordance with Design Drawings & Specs - Complete Testing Gauging and Acceptance.
- Construct Renew Enhance and Modify OLE in Accordance with Design Drawings & Specs - Install Enhance and Renew Earthing and Bonding.
- Construct Renew Enhance and Modify OLE in Accordance with Design Drawings & Specs - Install OLE Main Steelwork.
- Construct Renew Enhance and Modify OLE in Accordance with Design Drawings & Specs - Install Sectioning Insulation Registration & In-span Components.
- Construct Renew Enhance and Modify OLE in Accordance with Design Drawings & Specs - Install Small Part Steelwork.
- Construct Renew Enhance and Modify OLE in Accordance with Design Drawings & Specs - Wiring.
- Construct Renew Enhance and Modify OLE in Accordance with Design Drawings & Specs.
- Controller of Site Safety.
- Crane Controller - Excavator Crane.
- Crane Controller Attachment - Group 1 Ballast Management.
- Crane Controller Attachment - Group 2 Civils.
- Crane Controller Attachment - Group 3 Powered Lifting.
- Crane Controller Attachment - Group 6 Rail Management.
- Crane Controller Attachment - Group 7 Cropper
- Crane Controller Attachment Group 5 Vacuum
- Crane Controller Excavator Crane Tandem Lifting
- Crane Controller Lorry Loader
- Crane Controller OTM - GPC.
- Crane Controller OTM - KIROW.
- Crane Controller OTM - TRAMM.
- Crane Controller OTM - TRM.
- Crane Controller OTM Core
- Crane Controller OTM Tandem Lifting - KIROW.
- Crane Operator Lorry Loader
- Crane Operator OTP Core.
- Engineering Supervisor.
- Individual Working Alone.
- Lookout.
- Machine Controller - Material Handler.
- Machine Controller - MEWP.
- Machine Controller Attachment - Group 1 Ballast/Track Management.
- Machine Controller Attachment - Group 2 Civils.
- Machine Controller Attachment - Group 3 Cutterhead.
- Machine Controller Attachment - Group 4 Transportation.
- Machine Controller Demountable Machine.
- Machine Controller Highway Permissible Vehicle.
- Machine Operator - Clipper.
- Machine Operator - Motorised Trolley.
- Machine Operator - Self Propelled MEWP.
- Machine Operator Highway Permissible Vehicle.
- Machine Operator OTP Core.
- Nominated Person OLE AC Isolation.
- Nominated Person OLE Auto Transformer Isolation.
- On Track Plant Core.
- Operate Fast-clipper Attachment.
- Operate Piling Hammer Attachment.
- Operate Trailer Attachment.
- OTP Lift Planning Single Lift.
- OTP Lift Planning Tandem Lift.
- Overhead Line Permit.
- Personal Track Safety.
- Protection Controller.
- Safe System of Work Planner.
- Site Warden.
- Slinging.
- Track Induction.
- Undertake Basic Construction Activities Under Direction.
- Working Near or Adjacent to the DC Conductor Rail.